Monday, February 29, 2016

Download Clash Royale Terbaru

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Pagi ini saya akan upload Game Clash Royale Terbaru, Karna game ini di Playstore belum dirilis penuh, tapi sudah banyak yang memainkan seperti halnya saya !!!
Untuk Update terbarunya antara lain menambahkan 6 card baru, karena baru, chest, dan beberapa perubahan lainnya, bagi kamu yang mengalami notif Maintenance Break ketika login harap bersabar yah dan tunggu beberapa menit xD, kalau update kelar otomatis ente bisa login kok tenang aja.

Update Clash Royale Terbaru

  • ENAM KARTU BARU (ADA kartu Tambahan baru gan jumlah nya ADA 6)New Common Card: Royal Giant
    New Rare Card: Three Musketeers
    New Epic Cards: Dark Prince, Poison
    New Card Rarity: Legendary

  • NEW ARENA, dada & LEBIH (dengan arena baru, dada baru mungkin xD)
    Arena: Builder's Workshop (unlocks at 1700 Trophies, moving the Royal Arena to 2000)
    Chests: Giant Chest and Super Magical Chest
    Deck Slots: Save multiple Battle Decks
  • EVEN MORE NEW STUFF (fitur baru nih)
    Training Camp: Opponents scale up to 3500 Trophies
    Localization: 14 new in-game languages (French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic)
    (iOS) 3D Touch: Gives quick card info

  • BALANCE & OTHER CHANGES (yuhu ada banyak sekali perubahan dan perbaikan)
    Card Balance: We've re-balanced a bunch of cards, check out the Balance Changes in Context to find out more
    Replay Controls: Show and hide replay controls by tapping the screen
    Area Damage: Troops and buildings that deal area damage won't stop their attack if their target dies during the attack animation

    Mirror: Fixed to correctly cost your previous card +1 Elixir

Itu Adalah Update Terbaru dari Clash Royale. Itu hanya setau saya ya !!!

Sebelum Bermain silahkan Download Gamenya  di link bawah sini !

Clash Royale

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Baca Juga : cara mendapatkan magical chest gratis clash royale

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